

About MindGamer

[ 100% free cognitive-fitness training backed by science ]

Games, meet neuroscience.

Neuroscience, meet games.

What is Cognitive Fitness Training?

Recent advances in neuroscience tell us that like our muscles, our minds respond to exercise. With specific types of brain stimulation, we can exercise our cognitive abilities and push our minds to the limit. Our brains respond positively to daily cognitive stimulation -- and with MindGamer you can track your daily workouts and see your performance over time with detailed charts and analytics. MindGamer is built on the foundations of scientific knowledge to bring you the only 100% free-to-play fitness program of its kind.

The Power of Focus

We live in a multi-tasking world. With all the distractions and competing-information around us, the ability to focus has never been more important. How well can you screen out competing or conflicting information? How well can you “re-focus” back and forth between different tasks? Neurological science shows us that our abilities to both concentrate and to rapidly switch between different functions are skills that can be improved with training. MindGamer workouts are specifically designed to maximize your performance both when multi-tasking and when attempting to block out stimuli which compete for our attention. With MindGamer’s built in performance analytics, you’ll be able to track your performance over weeks and months and see your progress for yourself.

The Power of Memory

Neuroscientists have shown us that memory is a skill which can be improved with specific kinds of training. Memory is also an ability that many of us lose over time as part of our natural aging process. Our mind's ability to remember and process, both short-term and long-term memories has a profound daily impact on our everyday life. How might our lives be improved if we had perfect recall of facts, numbers and people’s names? And conversely, how would our lives be affected if our ability to remember was worse than it is now? With MindGamer’s scientifically designed workouts, you’ll challenge your ability to remember, associate and classify data. And best of all, MindGamer is the only brain fitness course of it's kind that's 100% free-to-play.
Special FDA Disclaimer for visitors from the United States: Under US Federal law, only products that have been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can claim to treat or prevent serious diseases or conditions. To date, the USFDA has not approved any brain training programs. Please see the participation agreement for more details.

MindGamer has 100% free daily brain workouts which enhance your memory, concentration and brain health
neuroscience intelligence brain workout smart fitness memory speed accuracy recall alert science laboratory research mind exercise memory cognitive doctor scientist proven improve self-help

Start your training now, on the only 100%-free brain training course, and start your path to cognitive fitness today.

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neuroscience intelligence brain workout smart fitness memory speed accuracy recall alert science laboratory research mind exercise memory cognitive doctor scientist proven improve self-help

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