

Your MindGamer Settings

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...and help us greet you by name whenever you work out:

Global Score Sharing

By default, MindGamer will anonymously share your brain-training workout scores in order to compare them to global averages. If you turn this off you will still see your percentile ranks on the reverse of each game 'card', but you will no longer share your own score data.

Workout Audio On/Off

By turning off workout audio, your default setting for all brain-training workouts will be "audio off". You can always turn the audio on or off in each workout on an individual basis.

DropBox Cloud Sync

Keep your data in the cloud and train your brain anywhere. Turn on DropBox storage to enable progress-syncing across multiple computers via your DropBox account.


Glad you're interested in this feature! Subscribe below and we'll keep you in the loop for our beta.


Permanently Reset All MindGamer Progress

WARNING: This will delete *ALL* of your locally stored MindGamer data and reset it as a new user. If you continue to use MindGamer, you will have to unlock all workouts again.



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